Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Most Bizarre and strangest world records

Most Bizarre and strangest world records
 One second was all it took to capture a world record. Standing side-by-side, jammed like sardines, participants made history recently for the most people inside a soap bubble. Check out other strange world records.

Largest house of playing cards
 American architect Bryan Berg broke his own world record of the world's largest house of free-standing playing cards. How many cards did he use? He broke the record for the first time in 1992.

Typing to 1 million in words
 After 16 years and seven months, typing an average of three pages of numbers a day, using only one finger, Les Stewart finished his record-breaking goal of typing out the words from one to 1 million on a manual typewriter.

Most break-dancing head spins
 An 18-year-old Japanese break dancer broke a world record by using his head. "Spinboy" Aichi set the record for the most break-dancing head spins in one minute.
Largest bottle cap sculpture
 World record veteran Alastair Galpin broke his latest world record using a popular sport for inspiration. He built the world's largest bottle cap sculpture in the shape of a rugby ball.

Most spoons balanced on a face
 The world record for the most spoons balanced on a face was broken in 2009 by 10-year-old Aaron Caissie.

Most books typed backward
 Michele Santelia holds the record for the most books typed backward in their original language. His last book  was completed in 2009.

Largest collection of airplane sick bags
 Niek K. Vermeulen's world record collection started on a bet with a friend to see who could collect the most of one item. He won the wager with the world's largest collection of airplane sick bags gathered since 1970.

Most hot air balloons to cross the English Channel
 Hot air balloons dotted the skies over the English Channel in a world record-breaking attempt for the most hot air balloons to cross the body of water to a nearby country.

Most world records held by one person
Many people dream of breaking one world record. Ashrita Furman's goal was a little higher. He holds the record for having the most world records, earning him the fitting nickname of "Mr. Versatility." His amazing number of records? His record-breaking list includes the fastest mile of somersaulting and catching the most grapes in his mouth in three minutes.



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