Friday, October 7, 2011

The most poisonous fish

Do not assume that the toxic substance found only on land, a lot of them in the waters of the oceans and seas.

The Red Sea  is a small flat fish with a rather strange name - FOOT OF MOSES.  She is not afraid of no predator, as even once in  his mouth, it can release the poison and paralyze  the enemy. Poison the fish is completely harmless  to humans. Scientists are studying its chemical composition to create the same to protect people from blood-thirsty  inhabitants of the oceans.

For example, near the Pacific coast of Australia is found SCORPIO (or sea scorpion). Like a chameleon, she is a green, then brown, depending on the color of the environment. So see its not so easy. In addition, the scorpion fish lives on the shore, in shallow water. During low tide, she burrows into mud or gravel until the high tide. The back is covered with fish strong and sharp spines near the base of which are bags under the skin with a very strong poison. Enough to step on the fish, like spikes dig into the leg and the poison into the wound by getting their grooves causes such severe pain that people sometimes lose consciousness. The foot swells, and if the victim did not immediately provide medical assistance, he may die. Local people caught Skorpen and by removing the poison glands, used for food.
Very dangerous encounter in the tropical waters of the giant jellyfish, called MARINE wasp killer or transparent. Only in the last 25 years from its poison  killed far more people than sharks. Its transparent "the bell" for 95%  of water. In addition, the  sea wasp, is usually kept in shaded areas of the coastal strip, because it is difficult to even see a man with good eyesight. One light touch poisonous tentacles of the creatures is enough to three minutes in death. In the place of touching it arises burn human skin rapidly and  red, and then swells. Body temperature rises sharply.  Sea wasp venom against the medicine is powerless. It is known that animals, which in vitro  was injected into the body  slightly weakened by a factor of 10,000 doses of the  poison, immediately perished.
Fortunately, the sea wasp does not float our shores -  not like the cool waters, but,  nevertheless, in the waters of the Russian Far East meets some of her  much less toxic relatives. This, in particular, jellyfish TSIANEYA having an "umbrella" in diameter and 2 meters in length and tentacles up to 30 m. jellyfish sting like a bite of cyan sea wasp. Live in these places, and poisonous  jellyfish-Cross tee with a diameter of "umbrella" from 5 to 20 cm from the burn it is not lethal, but a person gets sick after almost a week.
In the warm  waters of the Indian and  Pacific oceans, off the coast of Australia have discovered a small mass to GOLUBOKOLCHATY OCTOPUS '70 provide them more poison rattlesnake venom is 300 times, and cobra 20 times.  The poison of this predator  can die 10 in two seconds! This is probably the most dangerous of known venomous sea creatures.
In Australian waters found 51 species of sea snakes, and they are very poisonous.  The most poisonous in the world according to "Guinness Book of Records" is  GIDROFIS BSEHERIS, living in the Timor Sea off the northwest coast of this continent. He lives  here and is a very dangerous FISH-BORODAVCHATKA, or  stone-fish.  In general, the "lucky"  to Australians: the ten most poisonous creatures inhabit seven here.
And in the Far Eastern seas of the fish sticking to the four permanent, chisel-like teeth. Maritime Fishermen call it Skalozubov .. In Japan, this fish is called fugu, its meat is considered a delicacy. However, in some species it contains a poison more powerful than cyanide. So often fans of the delicacy of such a dangerous life paying the price. "If you want to eat fugu, write a will first," - said in Japan.

To prevent accidents in the country has a law banning the free sale of these dangerous fish. Prepare the same dishes from it are allowed only for those cooks who have the diploma of specialist courses. During the exam, each student in the presence of observers and the Commission is to eat a few dishes that he prepared from this fish. And yet, in Japan each year many deaths poisoning fugue.

However, poisonous creatures of the seas and bring benefits. For example, Japanese scientists have made from the venom of fugu preparation, called tetrodotoxin and is used as an effective analgesic during heavy operations, especially during removal of tumors.


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