Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Christo artwork a step closer

Christo artwork a step closer
A U.S. agency Bureau of Land Management has approved artist Christo’s plan to build an artwork it’s called Christo over the river over the Arkansas River, but he still needs other approval. Christo and his late wife, Jeanne Claude, planned the project together.
I would like to offer another take on Mr. Keefe's interpretation of Christo and Jeanne-Claude's environmental art. I see their artwork from a completely different perspective. It is not imposing or garish in any form. Their art is a celebration of the natural beauty of the subject, not an attempt to hide it. The art is showcased to allow visitors and viewers to see that which had been previously unnoticed.
My late husband, Charles Schulz, created his own cartoon (below) to commemorate Christo and Jeanne-Claude's artwork. He chose to focus on the anticipation of the project and the feeling one has upon viewing its beauty.
I was fortunate to meet Christo and Jeanne-Claude in the 1970s when they were preparing to install "Running Fence" in northern California. We developed a close friendship and great admiration for Christo and Jeanne-Claude's work.
Christo and Jeanne-Claude are incredibly respectful of the environment they work in, be it rural or urban. Similarly to "Over The River," "Running Fence" was exhibited in a scenic rural setting and, at the end of two weeks, everything was dismantled and what remained is the beauty we have carried in our hearts and minds for more than 30 years. I will forever hold those images and shared experiences in my heart.
Some years after "Running Fence," I traveled near Bakersfield, Calif., to see "Umbrellas." Again, the concept and rural landscape worked beautifully together. At both projects, the local people had a wonderful time interacting with visitors and were happy to share their stories and welcome them with friendly local hospitality.
I have dreamed that I would be able to float under the 5.9 miles of fabric suspended over the Arkansas River. I imagine the river in a way I have never before observed and am left wanting the true experience.Bureau of Land Management, Christo project, Christo over the river, Christo Jeanne Claude, Christo project,
"Over The River" will be a historic triumph for artists and for Colorado. I fully support this temporary work of art and am certain residents and visitors alike will look back on this project after all traces have been removed and carry the beauty of "Over the River" in their hearts and minds for many years to come.


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