Saturday, December 10, 2011

Woman accused of cooking meth at Wal-Mart

Woman accused of cooking meth at Wal-Mart
Police say a woman gathered meth-making materials in a Wal-Mart store and tried to mix up a batch near the restrooms. Wal-Mart security reportedly called police after they saw Alisha Halfmoon, 45, acting strangely.
When Alisha Halfmoon took a trip to her local Wal-Mart in Tulsa, Oklahoma she was shopping for more than just an easy bake oven. Police arrested the woman inside the Tulsa Wal-Mart on Thursday December 9th on the suspicion that she was creating methamphetamines inside of the store. This ballsy chemist had grabbed actually grabbed the needed chemicals off of the shelf before finding a quiet place to settle down in the store and nonchalantly make her meth.

Police officer David Shelby told KJRH, a local TV station, “While speaking with some of the firefighters on the scene she made statements that that’s what she was doing; that she was attempting to obtain these chemicals and was in the process of trying to manufacture methamphetamine.” According to Shelby she also said that, “She was not very good at it.” Among the chemicals that Halfmoon was able to round up were including lithium and chemical drain cleaner.

Like me I bet you are wondering how Halfmoon got caught when her plan seemed so fool proof. After recording about six hours inside of the Wal-Mart loss prevention officers called the police about the suspect’s odd behavior in the back of the store. When officers approached Halfmoon she had just concocted a mixture of sulfuric acid and starter fluid. Starter Fluid? People seriously put this stuff in their body?

Luckily, security cameras caught all of these antics for posterity. Officer Shelby said that the reason for Halfmoon’s in store chemistry project was her lack of proper funds. While removing the chemical mixture one officer sustained a chemical burn and was treated. Halfmoon was arrested for possession of methamphetamines and obtaining a drug using a forged prescription. Shockingly this was not her first drug related arrest.


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