Alien Encounters?
Statistics indicate a greater probability that you will experience extra terrestrial contact than the chances that you will win the state lottery.
According to a 1991 Roper Organization survey, some 2 percent of the U.S. population -- about 5.4 million people -- has had experiences that suggest UFO abduction.
But how do we prepare for such events?
At Tomorrowland in Disneyworld, the world´s greatest scientists together with Disney´s finest cartoonists have brought to life a scenario which can help us acclimatise to the inevitable alien encounters.
Also wear pullovers. When we are taken to the other planets where there is no atmosphere we can survive by breathing the trapped air in pullovers.
Any other ideas that could save lives?
According to a 1991 Roper Organization survey, some 2 percent of the U.S. population -- about 5.4 million people -- has had experiences that suggest UFO abduction.
But how do we prepare for such events?
At Tomorrowland in Disneyworld, the world´s greatest scientists together with Disney´s finest cartoonists have brought to life a scenario which can help us acclimatise to the inevitable alien encounters.
Also wear pullovers. When we are taken to the other planets where there is no atmosphere we can survive by breathing the trapped air in pullovers.
Any other ideas that could save lives?