Tuesday, July 5, 2011

All time kids tv shows The Best Ever Kids TV Programmes

I have been giving some thought to what were the best Kids TV programmes of all time and this has caused huge arguments between friends and colleagues and it will undoubtedly have a lot of people outraged because I've left out their favourite. That is part of the fun though...
My Top Ten Kids TV Programmes Of All Time:
1) Big Barn Farm. Although this is a very new TV show it is the only time I can ever remember the whole house stopping to watch a programme and that is why it's at number one. My lads aged 2 & 4 both love it and I have to admit all the adults think it is extremely clever too. Real animals in a real farm act out the story and due to camera trickery their lips move too. Works well with some splendid narration. My favourite characters are Digger the dog and Madame the French cow who says "Moo-La-La".
2) Lazytown.The Icelandic TV show featuring Sportacus has been a hit in over 100 countries and dubbed into at least 12 languages. The star of the show is Sportacus, played by Magnus Scheving a gymnastics champion. The show has been directly responsible for an increase in sales of fruit and vegetables which Sportacus refers to as "Sports Candy".
3) Dr Who. First aired in 1963 it is the longest running science fiction show anywhere. My favourite story so far is "Genesis Of The Daleks" which had a lot of social comment comment and parallels. David Tennant may be fantastic as the Doctor but at least my wife doesn't drool over Tom Baker which is another good reason for picking this story.
4) The Mr Men. Superb 5 minute stories read brilliantly by the late Arthur Lowe.
5) The Wombles. The original Eco-Warriors who made good use of the things that the evryday folk leave behind. Wonderful storytelling by Bernard Cribbins whose voice suited the programme wonderfully. My favourite womble was Orinocco who was always hungry unless he was sleeping.
6) Blakes Seven. A cult piece of wobbly walled 1970s sci-fi which was basically Robin Hood in space. Some very good storylines in the early shows as freedom fighter Roj Blake and his band of outlaws take on the evil Terran Federation lead by the evil Servarlan.
7) Scooby Doo. Scooby, Shaggy, & a bag full of scooby snacks. 'Nuff said.
You can drop by to my website and see some the comments this is getting there if you want to. It's at [http://www.kidsstuffandstories.com/]
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1265892


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