Saturday, October 29, 2011

10 Facts About Vodka

10 Facts About Vodka

The facts about alcohol, but still consider it necessary to remind that the excessive use of alcohol is injurious to health!

1. Compared with other alcoholic drinks vodka is the purest drink in the world, as it contains less fusel oils.
2. Branded vodka bottle "Moscow Special" was patented in 1894.
3. A liter of vodka weighs 953 grams.
4. Resolution of the State Defense Committee number 56 200 of the famous "one hundred grams of front-line" was adopted on 22 August 1941.
5. Before the use of vodka should be chilled to 8-10 necessarily degrees Celsius. The colder vodka hides taste, so sometimes in the cafe serves very cold vodka, if poor quality.
6. The inverse image of vodka (Aqua-Vita) was imported into Russia by the Italians in 1429.
7. During the reign of Catherine II was considered the most elite vodka drink in the world.
8. Before 1885 vodka was sold only to take away buckets (12.3 liters).
9. Wrong are those who say that vodka does not spoil. Shelf life of vodka for 12 months.
10. January 31, 1865 Mendeleev defended his doctoral dissertation "On the connection of alcohol and water."


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