Wednesday, October 26, 2011

10 Interesting Facts About Musicians

10 Interesting Facts About Musicians

1. Everyone knows that Dana International was once a man. But few know that she was also a footballer.
2. Record for the most collected at one concert audience is not Elvis, not the "Beatles" and Michael Jackson. This group «A-ha», which is even recorded in the Guinness Book of Records: Concert «A-ha» in Brazil, Maracana Stadium in 1991, gathered 195 000 people. The previous record - 191 000 - owned by Paul McCartney. By the way, once the musicians «A-ha» the road from the concert at the hotel had to give about 10 000 autographs! According to Paul Waaktaar to do so was much more difficult than to play a concert.

3. Michael Jackson was convinced that all his troubles began with a commercial record, "Pepsi", when he dropped a hot spotlight. In Jackson burned his hair, eyebrows and eyelashes, and he got to the front pages of all the "yellow" newspapers.
4. Leonard Cohen was nearly killed when he worked in the studio with his well-known eccentric producer Phil Spector. When Spector was tired to explain to Cohen that he wants from him, he just took it and put a gun to his head. Poor old Cohen and sang. And, they say, get what you need.
5. Sting dropped the group «The Police," because one night he had a strange dream: a perfect English garden with a beautiful pink flower beds suddenly crawl out of nowhere who had taken the blue turtles, which begin to destroy it. Sting, who believed that dreams - this is a manifestation of the subconscious, he took the flower garden for a group THE POLICE, and turtles - for a new team that he would create.
6. Elton John at the beginning of his career because of an unusually vivid and bizarre costumes made ​​the list "the most extravagantly dressed women" made by the famous fashion critic Mr. Blackwell. They say, Elton John it still has not forgiven.
7. Bruce Willis and Demi Moore were married in Las Vegas, a ceremony conducted by none other than Little Richard.
8. The most popular wedding music in the United States is a song by Whitney Houston «I will always love You." By a strange coincidence of circumstances, it - the most popular funeral music in the UK.
9. Britney Spears - the most frequent object of the search for Lycos in terms of "person", "place" and "thing." She - the star of a unique Internet resource. There is a website of the Company for future husband of Britney Spears.
10. You know, because of what the quarrel, "the Beatles' studio with EMI? When they were recording "Sgt Pepper", George Harrison did not like the paper in the studio bathroom. By the way, they say, when collapsed, "Pink Floyd" Roger Waters ordered a toilet paper with a portrait of Gilmore.


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