Tuesday, October 11, 2011

100 crocodiles escape during deadly floods

Around 100 crocodiles have escaped from a farm in central Thailand, sparking new fears as the country struggles to overcome crippling floods that have left more than 250 people dead.

The crocodiles escaped when Crocodile Farm Uthai Thani was inundated with floodwater over the weekend, The Bangkok Post reported Tuesday.

Thailand's Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department is now seeking to calm fears, with Thirapat Prayoonsit, the department's deputy chief, saying most of the escaped crocodiles were young and less than 1m long.

"Please do not panic," Mr Thirapat said. "The crocodiles are not fierce like those living in the wild. On the contrary, they are rather scared of people."

Still, officials told The Post the department was recruiting specialist crocodile hunters to help catch the reptile escapees.

Government officials in Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam say more than 500 people have died across the three countries during unusually heavy monsoon rains over the past two weeks.

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More than 250 of the deaths were recorded in Thailand, while more than 200 - including 83 children - have died in Cambodia.

Huge efforts are now underway to stop the waters from reaching low-lying Bangkok, home to 12 million people, with prevention measures including sandbags along the Chao Phraya river, AFP reported.

A large amount of runoff water is expected to reach the city in the next few days, while high tides will make it harder for the floods to flow out to sea.


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