Thursday, October 13, 2011

6 Heavily Protected Places

6 Heavily Protected Places,where surprisingly easy to get
It turns out that most of the integrity of these sites rests solely on the fact that really get into them quite a bit trying to the people. And when someone does this, then discovers that it is not too hard to seep back ...
6. white House
If you were asked to name the most protected place on Earth, you'd probably have guessed, that is the home of the President of the United States. That is, either he or Area 51, right?

In fact, from this point of view of the White House is always more like a thoroughfare. This long tradition of frightening violation of the security regime marked the beginning of Charles Dickens (he is), who broke into the White House in 1842 because President Tyler did not have time to run to the door (referring to an ironic description of the writer in "American Notes" of the situation that prevailed in White House during his visit, approx. mixednews).

Of course, after the assassinations of three presidents between 1865 and 1901 years of security measures has been significantly enhanced. However, through the White House held a darkness to the people that the CIA did not always have enough time or manpower to keep up with everyone. Historian Bill Bryson talked about how once lively old lady by the name of Julia Chase, separated on a tour of the White House from his group, strolled the mansion more than an hour, "fueling the bonfire."

But the latest national crisis caused by the more or less accidental intrusion into the White House, took place in 2009 during an official dinner in honor of Indian Prime Minister. Tariq Salahi and Michelle were not invited to social events, but still do not know how there could be lighted. They passed by the two control posts of thanks to the zeal officio police officers chased a queue outside the movement. When they were within a few vigilant workers were trying to establish their identity, but to no avail, after which the couple has managed to take part in the gala evening, appearing before the eyes of the most photographed Barack Obama and Joe Biden with.
Caption: My God! What a cool dress!

The Security Service and the White House to know did not know about the intruders until the next day, when Salahi boasted of his antics on Facebook. That only serves to confirm that no matter how rare or punctures were Secret Service, Mark Zuckerberg sees everything.

5. Nuclear power plants
We learned by the example of Japan's lessons is easy to forget how awesome power that lies in the nuclear power plants, as long as they do not melt reactors. Nuclear plants are designed with all the precautions so as not to allow turning around hundreds of square miles in space, suitable only for the filming of a staged landing on the moon. So we definitely are protected from abuse of any person crazy enough to want to blow up one of them, is not it? - There is no doubt. The main thing that they did not have wire cutters!

In 2003, activists of the "Greenpeace" decided to make a penetration into the nuclear power plant Sayzuell B in England. They are armed only dreadlocks, dyed batik shirts and clippers - only tools whose use by their calculations did not lead to exceeding the allowable level of carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Fortunately for them (but not as much as for us), most high-tech security system which they opposed, was a fence with a sign expressing Please do not go and blow up the power plant.

After a very short period of time the activists were already in the central point of control nuclear power plants, despite the scattering of red buttons with inscriptions on them, imploring: "in the name of the Lord, just do not click."

But that's just out of the common episode, which generally has no chance to repeat, is not it? In the "Greenpeace" decided to test this theory in practice in 2010, when activists tried to get on a nuclear power plant in Sweden. And again, they just jumped over the fence and found ourselves inside. Pure coincidence that there was not a group of terrorists with suitcase bombs, and hippie costumes in a wacky windmills, which came back high, so plenty yell.
Caption: Yeah, we're looking at this shot from the total, unwavering seriousness.

4. Louvre
From Wikipedia, the words of the "theft of the greatest works of art of the XX century" begin to imagine some kind of giddy theft in the style of "Ocean's 11." In fact, the real story of the guy who stole the infamous "Mona Lisa" from the Louvre, sounds like it could make you or any of your acquaintance.
Caption: With proper masculinity of your mustache.

In 1911, the usual Italian carpenter named Vincenzo Perugia cherished plan of theft of the famous works of art in the world. And under the "plan", we mean to hide in the back until the close of the Louvre, put "Mona Lisa" under his shirt and go outside.

Numerous guards, by whom he passed on his way out, recognized in him an employee and did not see anything strange in the rectangular bulge on his clothes.

When the theft was discovered, the administration of the Louvre did not understand that picture just made ​​a left dude. Much easier to stick to versions of the presence of a certain cunning plot. One theory held that the theft of a trick, Germany, to such a sophisticated way to send France. Questioned hundreds of people, including Pablo Picasso, who must have been good reasons to grind the tooth in an anatomically accurate portraits.
Caption: "You call this a portrait, da Vinci? Yes, so I'll syphilis awarded - would have known then what real art. "

In any case, the idea that the "Mona Lisa" may be lost forever in the heart of all it was pretty hard. That is, until such time as the thief tried to sell it. That's right - a criminal genius who managed to crank out the loudest robbery in the arts, thought he could just go and shake off "Mona Lisa" is not calling no one suspected the source of its origin.

3. The residence of British Prime Minister (Downing Street, 10)
Obadiah Marius, perhaps the most pathetic fortochnik England, in the age of 30 had been arrested 78 times in the chronic inability to climb anywhere and safely away with the loot.

While most people probably just switched to a more appropriate to their ability, hobbies, like collecting bottles of whiskey, Marius, for whatever reason, decided to raise the stakes are even higher - to get into the house of the British prime minister at Downing Street, 10. We believe that which succeeded Marius, no one was surprised more than he did.
Caption: But first he had to go through the guards and the sea ... Hmmm ...

In 2008, Marius entered the center of the British government, along with his girlfriend, Lithuanian, armed only with her ​​identity card issued by the Lithuanian state, which he showed the security service. She missed it, do not read - to see, because the only requirement to meet with the prime minister - is the existence of the identity of any kind.

What's more absurd - Marius was a drug addict, and, frankly, not one of those who could easily pass for a foreign diplomat heading to the conference delegates. Whatever it was, for almost an hour he had the freedom of uncontrolled movement of the building. So this petty criminal randomly walked the offices of the prime minister as long as the security personnel have not decided which line the pockets of shaven-headed man in a jogging suit probably is not the inflicting visit a world leader. At least not from the First World.
Caption: Here he is right ... free-style bird after 78 arrests.

2. Red Square during the Cold War
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Vo vremya kholodnoĭ voĭny vy ne mogli popastʹ za zheleznyĭ zanaves dalyee, chem za Krasnuyu ploshchadʹ, serdtse Moskvy, granichashchyee s Kremlëm – mestom nakhozhdeniya Sovet·skogo pravitelʹstva. Proniknovenie vykhodtsa iz Zapada na Krasnuyu ploshchadʹ bylo by sravnimo s tem, kak yesli by po luzhaĭke Belogo doma progulivalsya Stalin. No eto v tochnosti proizoshlo v 1987 godu, kogda yunosha iz Zapadnoĭ Germanii posadil samolët na Krasnuyu ploshchadʹ, slovno eto byla vzletno-posadochnaya polosa mezhdunarodnogo aeroporta Los-Andzhelesa. Posle togo, kak mezhdu SSHA i SSSR zabuksovali peregovory po voprosu sokrashcheniya vooruzheniĭ, 19-letniĭ Matias Rust vdrug vbil sebe v golovu, chto v yego silakh pomochʹ umenʹshitʹ napryazhenie mezhdu Sovetami i Zapadom. I kakov byl yego plan? Poletetʹ na malenʹkoĭ «Sessne» iz Finlyandii v Rossiyu cherez Baltiĭskoe more, lishʹ by u obyeikh storon opyatʹ byla obshchaya tema dlya besedy.
Russian - detected to English translation
During the Cold War you could not get behind the Iron Curtain more than the Red Square, the heart of Moscow, bordering with the Kremlin - the seat of the Soviet Government. Penetration of the native of the West to the Red Square would be comparable to, as if by the White House lawn walking Stalin. But that's exactly happened in 1987 when a young man from West Germany, landed his plane in Red Square, as if it were a runway international airport in Los Angeles.

After the US-Soviet negotiations stalled on the issue of arms reduction, 19-year-old Mathias Rust suddenly got it into his head that he can help to reduce tension between the Soviets and the West. And what was his plan? Fly on a small "Cessna" from Finland to Russia through the Baltic Sea, as long as both sides have again been a common theme for discussion.
Caption: There he stands, leaning on his airplane, as if nothing had happened.

Is not entirely clear how the small airplane, whether it is hit by dozens of Soviet fighters, would put an end to the Cold War, but this is not important. To everyone's amazement, he was shot down. And in fact, erratic journey Rust really helped complete the Cold War, not least because of his success proved that a Russian, that their defense is absolutely worthless.

When the tiny airplane Rust entered the zone of the Russian radar, the system proved to be surprisingly poor, considering that the plane now and then disappeared from the radar screen. At the same time, the military could not determine whether the aircraft is hostile or not, leading to a delay, ordering the shooting down on it to hell.
Caption: I apologize for the fact that my dignity is not with me. He would need a bigger courtroom.

Unable to believe his self-destructive journey is still continuing, Rust decided - for a walk, so walk, and landed in Red Square in the very moment when the Soviet leaders were breaking their hands in trying to find a solution to the situation. After Rust got off the plane and a couple of minutes chatting with people, Moscow police firmly established in the decision to detain him.

However, the deed was done, and Gorbachev fired his defense minister, as well as several other senior military officials, whose task was to prevent such cases. Today the aircraft is in a museum, a Roost is a professional poker player, because he obviously knows very well that such a risk, or at least the art is not to blow their heads.

1. Buckingham Palace
Buckingham Palace - the residence of the British Queen, as well as fragile old ladies rarely known for mastery of techniques of self-defense, he was supposed to be almost the most protected building of the country. Indeed, the palace is almost never subjected to the invasion. That's only reason for this lies in the fact that special hunter had not been.

In any case, until 1982, when an unemployed citizen Michael Fagan screwy simply popped inside to wake the queen for a relaxed conversation.
Caption: "I just wanted to learn something, whether it has a mustard Grey Poupon».

As if in mockery, an unscheduled audience with the Queen Fagan took place only during his second visit to the royal palace. Both times, Fagan rounds of surveillance cameras, servants, and of these James Bond's guards with big fur hats, which must have seemed like the final scene of the next film "Mission Impossible". And what is expressed his ingenious plan? Well, actually, he has no were. He just climbed over the fence, climbed a drainpipe and slipped into the open window.

Since then, the guy was just lucky? Well, from that moment the story begins to give surrealism. During his first attempt, clambering through the pipe Fagan was seen a maid that caused a security guard. The representative of Her Majesty's security service "has decided not to take action," presumably justifying it by saying that if you investigate every report about climbing a drainpipe strollers, to direct the exercise of its duties is no time will not suffice. When he still got inside, it was found that all the alarm was faulty. Caught in a fantastic situation in the category of those for the opportunity to find yourself in which thousands of British anarchists without hesitation would give their right arm, ingeniously Fagan stole a bottle of wine, which is even not dare to call good. He visited the house of the queen and took with him one single bottle for $ 6.

A month later, Fagan returned. Rising again to drain, he found the window unlocked all the same, and decided to pay the Queen's visit. Even though the alarm had already repaired, guards did not respond again, writing off all of a false alarm. Here, it's time to think about what these guys are all engaged in the workplace.

This time, before you enter the bedchamber of Queen Fagan managed to cut his hand on a broken ashtray. When the queen awoke and saw a strange man in her bed, ominously falling concealing her blood on the duvet, it was a prudent decision to call the royal guard. And they, of course, immediately appeared on the first call of the queen, right?

Uh-uh. On a calm tone of her voice, they felt that the situation in which she was, urgent action is not required. And we are warming the idea that when she called the police and had the queen, the answer was: "Sure, lady, and I - Napoleon!"

Queen Elizabeth was forced to engage in banal conversation Feyganom, which lasted for 10 minutes until the moment when the maid came into the bedroom and asked him what he was doing, at the Queen allegedly replied: "You tell me, damn you's sake! "Ironically, even after all this, it was impossible to Feyganu imputed to his adventure, as it turned out that the legal system has forgotten to make the invasion of Buckingham Palace, a criminal offense. The only thing that he could be arrested - it's theft of the very same bottle of cheap wine.


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