Thursday, October 27, 2011

77 Facts About Coffee

77 Facts About Coffee
1 "Coffee must be black as hell, strong as death, sweet as love" - Turkish proverb.

2 52% of Americans drink coffee regularly.

March 1 acre (40 hectare) of coffee trees can produce up to 5 tons of coffee beans, which after processing will turn into a ton of coffee.

4 According to research conducted by the University of California, the steam that rises from the hot coffee contains some antioxidants in amounts similar to the 3rd Oranges.

5 It is believed that the first sugar in the coffee began to add the King of France, Louis the Fourteenth in 1715.

6 In 1657 in Britain, coffee was touted as a cure for scurvy and gout.

7 Manufacturing companies made a lot of coffee decaf. Excerpted from the powder of caffeine they sell to pharmaceutical companies.

8 Preparation of coffee in the process of cooling provides more than 700 chemicals that make up its flavor.

9 Coffee Tree "Arabica" can give up to 6 kg of coffee per year, depending on humidity and temperature.

10 Australians drink 60% more coffee than tea, which is 6 times more than in 1940.

11 Beethoven was so scrupulous in the choice of coffee, every time counting exactly 60 coffee beans for brewing your coffee.

12 Before roasting some coffee to green grains are stored for several years. Experts believe that their taste while improving.

13 The first cafe was opened in France in the early 17th century, but before that coffee sold on the streets of Arab traders in a sort of "automatic"

14 Brazil produces a third of the world's coffee - it's more than half a million tonnes of coffee per year.

15 Since 1850, manual coffee grinder has become an indispensable attribute of the kitchen in the United States for the middle class population.

16 Caffeine is banned International Olympic Committee. If an athlete's blood more than 12 micrograms of caffeine, he is disqualified. To reach a level sufficient to drink 5 cups of coffee.

17 Lemon added to coffee for several hundred years (before sugar).

18 Coffee as a medicine reached its highest peak in England in the 16th century. At the time of the coffee mixture, butter and honey was administered as a warming in many diseases. Later in this role are used tea.

19 Coffee beans, like grapes, are very sensitive to temperature, humidity, pressure and timing of their collection.

20 Coffee is roasted at a temperature of 200? 220 degrees Celsius. The longer the process of roasting, the darker the coffee will. The duration of roasting an average of 10 × 20 minutes.

21 Coffee is classified by three criteria - the quality of the grains (grade, height above sea level), the quality of preparation and grain size.

22 Coffee is grown in 45 countries.

23 Coffee - the most popular beverage in the world. Every year it consumed 400 billion cups.

24 One of the factors contributing to the popularity of coffee - to taste it goes with almost everything.

25 coffee recipes from the book in 1844: "Tablespoon of powder in a pint of boiling water, boil for 20? 25 minutes. Leave to infuse 4? 5 minutes. Add the fish skin, a piece of fish oil, or half of the eggs. "

26 The composition of coffee sold 75% of the caffeine in the U.S..

27 bags of coffee are usually made of hemp and weigh approximately 70 kg when fully loaded. 600 000 grains required to fill a bag.

28 Coffee trees - evergreen, grows to 5 feet tall, but usually cut to a height of 2 ½ feet to facilitate harvesting.

Coffee trees are pollinated by 29 alone.

30 Flowers of coffee trees live for a very short time, have a jasmine-orange flavor, and give the coffee beans the size of a cranberry. Requires 4? 5 years to bring the tree has sufficient yield.

31 Coffee was first known in Europe as "Arabian wine".

32 Coffee, along with beer and peanut butter, has entered the top ten most recognizable odors in the world.

33 Coffee - the most popular product in the world after oil.

34 Coffee beans after roasting is treated with special aromatic substances (oils) and cooled. In this case the pores are opened and the beans absorb more flavor.

35 Black coffee beans typically contain less caffeine than their lighter counterparts. The longer coffee is roasted, the less caffeine in it.

36 During the American Civil War soldiers received 4 kg of roasted coffee as part of the diet, weighing 50 kg. Soldiers can also choose green Unprocessed coffee.

37 During World War II, governments were consumed more than 130 million pounds of coffee.

38 It is well roasted and ground coffee beans, dissolved in boiling water, still called "Turkish coffee". This recipe has not changed since ancient times and is currently in use in Turkey and Greece.

39 The so-called grade of coffee Hard Bean (hard corn) is grown at altitudes of more than a thousand meters above sea level.

40 In the U.S. coffee is grown only in Hawaii and going between November and April.

41 vacuum-packed coffee was first introduced in 1900 by brothers Hill.

42 Coffee with ice became popular in Japan since 1945.

43 If you love espresso, you should use granulated sugar dissolves more quickly than in pieces. It is better to use white sugar than dark. And of course, it is better to use sugar, not sweeteners which alter the taste of coffee for the worse.

44 The first license to sell coffee was issued Dorothy Jones of Boston in 1670.

45 In 1727 coffee seedlings have been smuggled from Paris taken in Brazil. Now Brazil - the largest producer of coffee.

46 In Italy, espresso is considered so important to drink, that its price is regulated at the level of government.

47 In Japan, coffee shops called Kissaten.

48 The most valuable Sumatra coffee is collected, following the habits of the animal - Luwak, which selects the best coffee beans and eat them. Of feces left by these animals, pick corn, of which kind of coffee do «Kopi Luwak» price of $ 300 per kilogram.

49 The Arabs began to cultivate coffee trees in the 14th century.

50 In the 16th century, Turkish women could file for divorce if her husband could not keep a family filled with a cup of coffee (local tradition).

51 In the last 300 years, 90% of the population of the West went from tea to coffee.

52 In 1763 in Venice, there were over 200 coffee shops.

53 In 1790 the U.S. opened the first manufacturer of coffee and placed first in a newspaper ad touting the drink.

54 Irish Cream and Hazelnut (Irish cream, Hazelnut) - the most popular flavors of coffee.

55 In Italy more than 200 000 stores.

56 Jamaica Blue Mountain is considered one of the best brands of coffee in the world.

57 Large doses of coffee lethal. If you get to drink 100 cups over 4 hours, you are likely to die.

58 The insurance company Lloyd's of London began as a coffeehouse.

59 Milk in coffee were added since 1680, when some French doctor advised me to such a combination for therapeutic purposes.

60 October 1 - the official day of coffee in Japan.

61 In Tokyo alone there are more than 10,000 coffee shops, plus thousands of vending machines.

62 In Brazil, more than 5 million people are employed in the coffee industry.

63 overcooked coffee beans very well lit.

64 Raw coffee beans, soaked in water, are a delicacy in many parts of Africa.

65 According to some studies, coffee helps to relieve the symptoms of asthma.

66 The highest level of coffee consumption per capita has Scandinavia - almost 14 kg of coffee per year. The average Italian consumes "only" 5 kg.

67 Specific studies have shown that the stimulating effect on the person providing only the first 2? 4 cups of coffee. Follow-up "dose" just are rapidly cleared from the body.

68 Approximately 8,000 Arabica beans need to cook pounds of coffee. All these grains are collected manually.

70 Arabica - the name of a wild forest in Ethiopia, where coffee growing variety of the same name. This plantation is still grows, the height of the trees at an average of 5? 7 meters.

71 The aroma and taste of coffee gives the so-called coffee oils, which, despite its name, have the ability to dissolve in water.

72 filter coffee was invented in 1908 in Germany, Melitta Benz when covered coffee blotting to filter out sediment.

The first commercial espresso 73-car was made in Italy in 1906.

74 The French philosopher Voltaire drank 50 cups of coffee a day.

75 The most popular legend about the origin of coffee suggests that in the 8th century AD Ethiopian shepherd discovered the strange grain, after which the sheep are eating behaved cheerfully and longer awake. Of course, after they tried people

76 The name Cappuccino comes from the Capuchin Order in the 16th century.

77 The average chocolate bar 30 mg of caffeine in a cup - 100? 150 mg.


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