Thursday, October 27, 2011

Clear The Liver for 72 Hours

Clear The Liver for 72 Hours

Three days of proper nutrition enough to clear the body and restore all of its functions (if you are not a clinical case, of course).
The summer with its berries, tomatoes and other fungi safely over. Ahead of the long cold that we always struggle in the simplest way - eating meatier, more portions and drink stronger. Somewhere on the horizon loomed the New Year holiday, which we did embark on the winds. Poor your liver - it has to cope with all this splendor.
Surprisingly, despite such stresses, it remains remarkable ability to cleanse and restore. Only three days without alcohol, nicotine and other amusements it is sufficient to fully recover their ability to (except, of course, extreme cases such as binge eighteen months before the three days). To help her, we have developed here is a temporary eating plan for cleansing the liver. You can not follow him blindly, and replace some products for others - if only they contain are described in the text of valuable substances.

72-Hour Detox Plan

Phase 1: garbage collection

Enzymes are responsible for cleansing the liver from toxins, these same toxins gather.

Phase 2: Processing

Toxins are sorted as garbage at a waste recycling plant. Each type of toxin combined with its accompanying substances (such as waste is packaged in bags, boxes and containers) and excreted from the body.

Fuel For Detox

It is essential that the liver was getting all the key nutrients that are needed in both phases of her detoxification and did not get anything extra. First, we must eliminate from your diet anything that may impede the process - fatty, sweet, salty, and caffeine. Carbohydrate-rich diet may also slow the recovery of the liver until it is completely stopped. Just three days on our special diet you will feel refreshed, rested and energized.

Day One

Oatmeal with blueberries and raspberries
For the liver: antioxidants in berries protect you from the horrors like cirrhosis of the liver, courageously fighting the free radicals in the first phase of detox.
For you, these berries are also rich in antiviral drugs that protect you from colds, flu-like effects, as always very fast and unexpectedly had come fall.

Omelette with spinach and mushrooms, salad of carrots and beets
For the liver: vitamins C, B2 and B5 in your dinner help the liver deal with toxins from exhaust gases, which you breathed the soul into a traffic jam on the way to work.
For you, beetroot is rich in betaine - a substance inhibiting the growth levels of the female hormone estrogen in your body (and it will grow with the cleansing of the liver).

Fresh carrots and Bulgarian pepper with hummus
For the liver: chickpeas - the main ingredient in hummus - is rich in fiber, which increases the activity of both phases of detox.
For you, without a diet rich in fiber can not do if you decide to throw off those extra pounds. First, the fiber-rich fruits and vegetables are low in calories, and secondly, no fat or stomach or intestines can not function at full capacity.

Chicken Curry
For the liver: turmeric - one of the major Indian spices - almost twice increases the secretion of bile, say German scientists. This, for example, accelerates the leaching of toxins of alcohol and tobacco.
For you: increased secretion of bile aids digestion and makes you feel much fresher in the morning after the birthday, New Year and other occasions from the heart to eat.

Day Two

Muesli with yoghurt
For the liver: lactic acid bacteria in yogurt reduces the degree of negative impact of toxins on the liver, say U.S. doctors.
For you, before you clean the liver, as you probably should be clogged, and it and other bodies - the bold, sweet, fried, salty and fuel. The fiber in cereal lowers were rising to the heavens cholesterol levels by an impressive 20%.

Broccoli soup
For the liver: The liver - a filter for your body, and broccoli - the filter to the filter. Enzymes contained in the cabbage, accelerate and make more effective the second phase of detox.
For you: California doctors insist - antioxidants in the green vegetables lowers the risk of catching an ARD.

Orange juice and oatmeal cookies
For the liver: oranges - trite, but a tasty way to saturate the body with vitamin C, an antioxidant, accelerating the process of cleansing the liver.
For you, in the morning, we suggest there is oatmeal - slow to digest and leave you satiated long carbohydrates. Oatmeal cookies during the day, we recommend exactly the same reason.

Roast chicken with cauliflower
For the liver: cauliflower intensifies making glutathione, a substance that helps the liver with the blackest work: the splitting of alcohol, nicotine and other toxic components of drugs such as paracetamol or antibiotics.
For you: food, rich in niacin (eg, chicken), protects you from age deterioration of cognitive functions, let us know by American researchers.

Day three

Two boiled eggs and toast
For the liver: Eggs increase in blood levels of lipids and precious unpronounceable name - phosphatidylcholines. They help get rid of fat in the liver.
For you, eggs are rich in vitamin D, which helps you answer the tricky questions of the authorities, be multi-mail with the requirements of higher wages and general mental capacity to exercise the full extent.

Onion soup
For liver onions contain sulfur, which is required of the liver to break down alcohol and acetaminophen.
For you, including regularly in your diet soup, you reduce your calorie intake by as much as 20%, according to University of Virginia.

Crackers and avocado
For the liver: Avocado is rich in vitamin E, which improves the functioning of the liver. It also helps to cope with the excess glucose from soda and fruit juices.
For you, a lot of avocado in folic acid, which promotes better blood circulation, which, in turn, will not you be cold in the autumn wind.

Pork chop with adzhika and steamed vegetables
For the liver: Pork is rich in glycine - this substance helps you cope with preservatives, sweeteners, enhancers and other E, without which it can not do now, it seems, even breast milk.
For you, hot red pepper in Ajike speeds up metabolism and lowers blood pressure. It helps you relieve stress and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. No need to struggle with a bad mood for old-fashioned beer.


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