Thursday, October 13, 2011

Diet for Brain

Your diet (especially if the wine you visit the bakery more often) can easily suck out the juices of gray matter. Or, conversely, to breathe new life into it. We know how to do it.
The brain - at least in general terms - not quite a mystery to doctors and other scientists. Not a mystery, and how this work affects what you eat. You did not know, and you have the brains - and we all have - thoroughly swollen with fat, it is this substance is present in large amounts in the tissues that make up the contents of the skull. The right fats in the correct proportions are extremely important for improving your mental abilities. In addition to fat, carbohydrates, like brains - in the gray matter of food takes more than half of us consumed daily glucose. But protein is not particularly interested in the head - they would get virtually your muscles.

CRAB for orientation

Zinc is essential for normal functioning of the hippocampus, the part of the brain that is responsible for memorizing routes and objectives of these routes. Eat a portion of crab, not to get lost on the way to the store for the crabs. Do not like crabs? Well, replacing them with pumpkin seeds.

SARDINES for mood

Do not be the hundredth time about the omega acids. Better about selenium - a natural antidepressant. It improves mood, and calm and happy all the brain works much better than nervous and sad. So, in one bank of sardines - up to 80% of the RDA of selenium.

SOYBEAN for memory

Why your girlfriend for months can remember every word you said is wrong and each additional bottle of beer? All thanks to the female hormone estrogen, improves memory. Similar to a substance found in soybeans. People who regularly consume soy foods for six weeks showed significant improvement in passing tests of memory, say UK nutritionists.

TEA To cheer

Four cups of this invigorating drink a day - and you, as 2000 volunteers took part in the relevant experiment, peak performance demonstriruesh your brain. All thanks to flavonoids and a substance called L-tianin.


Lack of folic acid in the body can lead to apathy, irritability and fatigue (and you thought it was you have such a hard job?). This deficiency will help us as a favorite green vegetable. A similar effect can be achieved by reinforcing the regular green beans or green peas.

BERRIES For durability

Your gray cell are essential antioxidants, such as simple and as powerful as vitamin C. It is in bulk in the ordinary summer berries - strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries. You'll regularly and in sufficient quantities charged ascorbic acid - are less likely to turn into a damn thing did not realize the old man. Or at least become one later.

RED MEAT For intelligence

Red meat - one of the best sources of iron, which supports your IQ. If you like Ace Ventura, the hero of the eponymous film, wonder why fools much more than it seems at first glance - we'll explain. Lack of iron in the diet affects 30 to 50% of Russians, according to Ministry of Health. Do not be like them, eat a juicy steak.

GRAPES For planning

If all of your desktop plastered with paper "Call," "Do not forget," "To be in time!" Probably time for you to drink a full glass of grape juice. 12 weeks of regular use of it - and the ability to remember lists and texts will improve, says the American, Dr. Robert Krikorian, who watered the juice of volunteers. Besides grapes improves short-term memory. But wine, alas, sometimes acting quite the opposite.

EGGS Against dullness

Contained in the eggs of vitamin D prevents the degradation of the brain (no matter what the cause of this degradation), say British doctors. Incidentally, the same vitamin rich in fatty fish: a pair of soft-boiled eggs and tea (see above) and a few slices of salted salmon - a great get breakfast.

Oatmeal For a concentration

Slow carbohydrates smoothly and evenly feed the brain, allowing him a long time to focus on a specific task. At least, so say Swedish researchers who were fed half of the 40 volunteers slow and a half - quick carbs for breakfast. The first 20 and then showed the best results in tests for attention and memory.


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