Thursday, October 6, 2011

Failures things which cost the company dearly Apple

Apple is currently one of the largest and most expensive corporations in the world, but the road to success was quite bumpy and dangerous. Companies make plenty of mistakes, and some failures have cost dearly. It is not always applied a Steve Jobs had a hand.

Macintosh Portable
The fact that  you can carry it with you, does not mean that it is worth doing.  Laptop Notebook Macintosh Portable in 1989 production  weighed 7 kg and cost $ 6,500 U.S.. However, after 3 years the company has corrected its mistake by releasing PowerBook, which sets the standard appearance of portable computers.


This technological toy was named after the daughter of  Steve Jobs. Released in 1983, this product is an innovative solution for the time - a graphical interface and mouse. But because of the enormous cost of 10,000 dollars, the company had to bury thousands of unsold computers in a landfill Utah.

Apple TV
This technological device promised  to combine a Web video and television, but only two of the six major film companies have agreed to co-operation, which greatly limited the available content.  In addition, the device  did not have the ability to record, and sold 250,000 units, Steve Jobs has written off this article in part hobby.

1994, Apple released the first digital camera. It cost  $ 750, could hold only eight shots, a resolution of 0.3 megapixels, and it was only compatible with a Mac.  Complete failure.

In 1995, the  company attempted to break into the market for gaming consoles and console released  Pippin. It was the first  attempt to unite the gaming console with Internet connection. In those days one modem chat message sent about 10  minutes, and about playing together there could be no  question. Given that the  Pippin was worth three times as much Nintendo 64,  the success could not  be considered.

The phone was  released in conjunction  with Motorola. Apple has connected to a novelty service iTunes, but users were not thrilled, because the machine could hold only 100 songs. But the first step to a "caller  iPod" was made.

Macintosh TV
In fact,  a computer, which worked well as a TV set, had its advantages.  By combining the monitor and  TV in one device, you can save space in the apartment. But the problem  is that for the sake of  convenience was sacrificed to functionality. Macintosh TV was weaker than  any similar machine, and cost about $ 2,000. Was limited to 10 000 units of product.

Long before the company released the iPhone handheld Newton. Its dimensions were 20 by 12 cm, and  normally use it only could a man with very large hands. In addition, the device was  a terrible system of text recognition and cost U.S. $ 1200. When in 1996, was released Palm Pilot, Newton finally sank  into oblivion.

Power Mac G4 Cube
Journals  described the computer  with top-loading CD as a chic design element. But users were not in the same enthusiastic and were in no hurry  to overpay $ 200, compared with a conventional Power Mac G4. A year later, Apple announced the phasing out  of this beautiful but  unpopular unit.

Operating System, which got its name from two English words "talent" (talent) and  "intelligence" (intelligence).  The project, which started in 1980 as a futuristic  platform for future computers, turned down in 1995, not even seeing the light.

The dismissal of Steve Jobs
In 1985,  Apple fired Steve Jobs. Despite the fact  that he built a company from scratch  in the previous year presented the first Mac, which had expected a huge success, things were not very smooth for the young entrepreneur. Steve hired a former employee of Pepsi-Cola, John  Sculley, and appointed him to the position of CEO, but he could not cope with the constant creative chaos.  As a consequence, dismissed  them both. Only 12 years after Steve Jobs rejoined the company as a consultant for several months and was  at the helm. Orom crazy "stuff - CRAP" at the first meeting, he returned to Apple to its former glory.

iPhone 4
The fourth  generation is incredibly  popular phone was one small flaw in the design: if you keep it the way most people hold, then the signal disappears completely. Steve Jobs is recommended to keep it in his hands in another way, at the time, as in advertising, he was kept very ordinary way. Instead, to correct the problem, in Australia, complete with phone supplied  rubber casing, which prevents the loss of signal.


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