You can spend your free time differently. For example with a metal detector for a methodical sifting soil obsharivaniem and shovel for a shovel. "Treasure hunters" come to Berkeley Lake drying up in the north-west of Denver with their families, hoping to find old coins, jewelry and other artifacts. Sometimes efforts are warranted.
Steve Cruz loosens the earth in search of valuable artifacts.
Silver coin in 1879, found Jim DiSanza, when he and his son and his wife were looking for PIDS values at the bottom of a dried-up lake in Denver.
"Treasure Hunter" and John Steele with a metal detector at the bottom of a dried-up lake Berkeley in Denver.
Jim Griffin found an old Indian ring in the lake. Griffin is looking for property in the 60s. "You never know what you can find" - he said.
John Steele is resting in between jobs.
This coin, Steve Cruz, found at the bottom of that lake Berkeley.
Carl Johansen is working up a sweat. "I come here every day, 6 days a week the last 6 weeks."
Carl Johansen with a metal detector.
Derrick and his wife DiSanza Sopiey favored by their work at the site of the lake.
Derrick DiSanza looks at a silver coin, which has just found his father.
Found Treasures Steve Cruz.
Derrick DiSanza (right) with a pocket magnifying glass looking at the coin, just found his father, Jim (center). Besides the father and son in the excavation involved Derrick's wife.
Silversmith in 1879, found Jim DiSanza.
Jim Griffith, with a coin found in Lake Berkeley. "I thought it was an old coin in a $ 20".
Jim Griffith, the work on the lake bottom Berkeley.
Search for coins and jewelry with a metal detector - just good for the health craze, because man forced to spend a day outdoors in constant motion.
As recognized "treasure hunter" Steve Cruz, with a metal detector search - this is a hobby, akin to hunting and fishing. The same fresh air, "unity with nature", sufficient physical exercise.
And each extracted from the earth turned green coin, always brings joy, regardless of its condition or old.
Treasure hunters digging, sowing, and clean soil in search of treasure.
One finds Steve Cruz.
Steve Cruz also found this old bottle.
Treasure Hunter Steve Cruz at the bottom of the lake Berkeley.
Treasure hunters are digging at the old pier in search of old values.
Jim Griffin goes to his seat of excavation.
Jim Griffin of the work on the lake bottom Berkeley.