Tuesday, October 18, 2011

iPhone 4S Buying Around the World

New iPhone 4S Apple Inc went on sale in stores worldwide on October 14. The news says that thousands of willing line up to get the latest gadget, which was introduced during the life of Steve Jobs. The same line is expected in Apple stores in Sydney, Tokyo, Paris and London.


One of the founders of Apple, Steve Wozniak (right) and his wife Janet (left), go on Segways, while Steve holds a new iPhone Apple 4S shop near Apple in Los Gatos, California, USA. Wozniak, who resigned from Apple back in 1987, is a shareholder, and continued to receive checks from Apple. Wozniak was one of the founders of Apple with Steve Jobs, who recently passed away.
Corporation Apple, fans wait in line in front of a shop in Tokyo to buy the new iPhone 4S launch day of its sale in Japan.
People in line at the store Apple, to buy a discounted iPhone 4 in Hong Kong. The tense situation in the new store of Apple in the Chinese territory: as the people in the queue, you can buy a maximum of five iPhone 4, some managed to convey their "friends" outside the store and returned again to buy another.
A man in a mask of one of the founders of Apple's Steve Jobs stands in line to buy the iPhone 4S in front of the store in Tokyo Apple . Latest iPhone Apple Inc went on sale in stores worldwide on Friday. Fans bought up during the life of gadgets Steve Jobs, today many people buy this phone in memory of former boss Apple. Hundreds of fans queue up around city blocks in Tokyo, to be first, and get your iPhone 4S, which is similar to the previous iPhone 4, but has a better camera, faster processor and better software.
Customers queue outside the shop Apple, in Covent Garden, wishing to buy iPhone 4S, in London, England.
Apple employees applauded customers who have purchased the new iPhone 4S at the Apple Store in Munich, Germany,


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