Monday, October 17, 2011

Making of Explosion Alarm Device

Bungled here in a couple of hours. In my opinion turned out very pretty.A idea was born yesterday, when the debris from the balcony and shoveled naryl package, which were cardboard tubes, which remain on the rolls of paper towels. In the summer, when windows reworked - forgot to throw out the bag. Well done on nefig twirled them in his hands and ... swept)

Want to repeat - will need any garbage, which is the home of any man: three cardboard tube out of paper towels, a wire cross-section of approximately 2 mm (the best form holds), a couple of screws with 4 nuts, a piece of cardboard to make the bottom of our pieces, a little black electrical tape and, most importantly, watch.
The first active step on the piece of cardboard outline the tubes in order to get the bottom and lid. Ideally exactly to do here - when vpressovke irregularities zazhmutsya walled tubes.
Then kruglyashi cut in two of them in the center of the hole to make the two propellers. Screws can be inserted in order to verify that everything is OK, but then take it out, because we all have to paint)
Tubes with caps in red paint. And just to reinforce a sense of celebration, with a printer, paper cutter and a mother make a stencil with the three magic letters, which have about AC-DC singing - TNT.
While the paint dries, take our postings and, twisting his pencil on the subject or other forms of tsillindricheskoy get simpatishnye curlicues.

Once all vysyhlo, paste in tubes bottoms and lids can be a little glue to fix a high-temperature, but not necessarily - in good vpressovke everything is kept by itself. Binds the tape - in the best of a Hollywood blockbuster and posting our picks screws.
One trick - in the piece, which is lower on the opposite side of the clock would be nice to put a stick or something heavy that balances the clock on the front, and then we will norovit pyramid roll.

My powered by YUSB can stick in the cigarette lighter, can be an ordinary network adapter.
PS: And yes, the wires of one color - red. I hated all my life in all the films in the presence of a sapper choice. A normal maniac choice should not leave. "Base-Base, a cut - or red ... red??"


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