Saturday, October 8, 2011

The most spectacular fights in Parliament

After a fight of influential businessmen: Alexander Lebedev (№ 45 in the ranking of 200 richest businessmen of Russia according to Forbes, the state - $ 2.1 billion), with Sergei Polonsky (also often part of the list Forbes), on the set of the program "NTVshniki" against Lebedev was criminal case. Because Forbes magazine decided to compile a list of the bloodiest fights powerful people.

1. The Turkish Parliament: 1 dead
Tragically ended in a fight in the Turkish parliament in January 2001. About 20 people started beating each other at the meeting, during which the ruling party proposed to reduce the discussion of bills. Several deputies from the ultra-right Nationalist Movement Party knocked to the floor Kurd Fevzi Sihanlioglu and struck him five or six blows to the head. A few hours later Sihanlioglu died of a heart attack.

2. Ukrainian Parliament: 5 hospitalized
The most serious fighting in the Ukrainian parliament took place in December 2010. BYuT MPs pasted posters in the hall meetings in support of Yulia Tymoshenko and blocked the rostrum and presidium. Party of Regions deputies rushed to release the Bureau of force. As a result, few people have such severe injuries that they had to endure from the floor on a stretcher, and five were hospitalized. Party of Regions deputies even asserted that their colleagues from BYuT brought mount and chain, but did not have time to apply them.

3. Vladimir Zhirinovsky and others: a wet suit, pulled hair, bleeding from the nose
The first major fight on Russian television has become a hassle between Vladimir Zhirinovsky and Boris Nemtsov in the program "One on One" on ORT in 1995. Zhirinovsky said that in the Nizhny Novgorod region epidemic of syphilis, in response to Nemtsov, showed him the magazine Playboy, where Zhirinovsky claimed that slept with 200 women. Zhirinovsky splashed in the face with orange juice Nemtsov, Boris Nemtsov told him the same, after which Zhirinovsky has launched his glass.

In autumn 1995 Zhirinovsky'll pull the hair deputy Yevgeny Tishkovsky, and in 1997 broke into the car and pushed the journalist Julia Olshansky. In 2003 he kicked the Mitrokhin, vymeschaya it anger at the MP just another faction - Mikhail Delyagin from the "motherland" for which he received on his ear. Double Zhirinovsky and Andrei Saveliev, fought from the "motherland". For the first time in 2003, during a televised debate Saveliev blow knocked off his feet Zhirinovsky. For the second time in 2005 (pictured), Zhirinovsky spat at Saveliev, and then exchanged punches in the jaw and nose. Zhirinovsky has left the battlefield to the trauma finger, Saveliev - bleeding from the nose.

4. Ukrainian Parliament: raw egg battered eye
The most dramatic fight in the Ukrainian parliament was due to the ratification of an agreement with Russia on the Black Sea Fleet in April 2010. The meeting started with the fact that the speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn threw raw eggs. Then a fight broke out between deputies in the hall smoke bomb exploded. It is true that this time there were no serious casualties, except that one egg still hit the speaker's eye, despite the fact that the guards covered him with umbrellas.

5. The State Duma, and Fedulov Shandybin: almost bitten off nose
At a meeting of the Duma in February 2003, Communist deputy Vasily Shandybin attacked with fists on the independent MP Alexander Fedulova for what he called Gennady Zyuganov a "political prostitute." To separate the fighters before they had time to get serious injuries. "If Shandybin Settlements Programme at me, I would have just bitten off his nose. Receive simple, but effective. I regret that I did not have time to do this "- said after the fight Fedulov. Shandybin said that he was forced to "defend the honor of the party." "Even Lenin called Trotsky a" political prostitute "and I just quoted the classics of Marxism-Leninism", - said Fedulov.

6. The parliament of South Korea: 1 hospitalized, broken furniture
There was a brawl in the parliament of South Korea in July 2009 when discussing a new law on mass media. The clash was like slam, which was attended by all MPs: Women loudly and pulled each other's clothes, men have tried to topple opponents on furniture and jumping in the crowd fighting with the crowd. As a result of fighting one deputy was hospitalized.

7. Czech Republic, Minister of Health meeting with dentists: a damaged person
Czech Health Minister David Rath had a fight in 2006, a presidential adviser Miroslav Macek at a meeting with dentists, dissatisfied with the reforms Rath. Macek slapped Rath on the head, Ruth first had called Macek a coward, and then began to respond to attacks. It was one of the rare cases of battering Czech politics.

8. Parliament Taiwan: bites and eaten bill
In the parliament of Taiwan fights occur regularly: MPs throw at each other shoes, books and microphones. In 2010, deputies staged a bout of judo hall meetings, and during the discussion of one of the bills opposition lawmaker tried to eat his text to stop the vote. During a mass brawl in January 2010, a representative of the opposition faction has bitten a deputy from the ruling party. The British tabloid Daily Mail even claimed that the fight in the parliament of Taiwan staged on purpose, and calls up the MPs in advance and ask each other to put on in the day light running shoes.

9. Parliament of Georgia: 1 hospitalized
In November 2002, Georgian MP Peter Tsiskarishvili hit in the face of his colleague David knuckleduster Saganelidze. Fighting in the Georgian parliament often had and after that: in May 2003, opposition deputies was beaten by deputy speaker Vakhtang Rcheulishvili, then taken to hospital. Last Fight (pictured) took place in September this year, when the deputy Akaki Bobokhidze slapped Peter Mamradze for what he called the war in 2008 a "provocation Saakashvili."

10. The Legislature in one of the states of India: the overturned chairs, and bruises

Brawl occurred in India in the Legislative Assembly of Uttar Pradesh. The video shows how the deputies beat each other folders, torn from the microphone jack and throw chairs, someone is hiding under the table.


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