Thursday, October 27, 2011

Special and Antiterrorist Units

Special and Antiterrorist Units
The elite forces of the Soviet Union and Russia, reconnaissance, special and antiterrorist units most effectively worked in Afghanistan, Chechnya and other hot spots of our country and abroad.
Yartsev Vyacheslav, Special Forces Captain KGB. He worked in the "Alpha" from 1980 to 1991. After combat training in Afghanistan, took part in several anti-terrorist operations. The trainer of karate, kick boxing and fighting. He has a higher theological education, graduating St. Tikhon's University, Department personnel and assists in one of Moscow churches.

These photographs - part of a multimedia documentary photo project "Veterans of Special Forces Countries." The project, which included portraits of three generations of veterans (eighty - two thousandth) of the three special forces: the GRU, the KGB-FSB and the Interior Ministry, was formed as a retrospective, through which you can look at the thirty-year period of our modern history.

Photographer Dmitri Belyakov executed series of artistic portraits of the former secret agents of the various groups of Soviet and Russian Special Forces, past Afghanistan, Chechnya, and also participated in the famous anti-terrorist operations in Moscow, in the Dubrovka theater and in Beslan.

All portraits were taken in a studio, directing the light to black and white film, a classic, medium format, Hasselblad camera mechanical.
Yushkov Sergei Colonel MIA Special Forces, "krapovik" intelligence chief OSN number 8 "Rus". Veteran of both Chechen campaigns. He had a reputation as one of the most experienced and knowledgeable commandos. Was among the very first group of officers who were awarded Vladimir Putin Gold Star of Hero of Russia for their courage in fighting in Dagestan, namely - in the Kadar zone.
Boldyrev, Andrew, lieutenant, gunner, "krapovik." Veteran of the 2nd Chechen campaign. Fought in the DOS number 20, during an ambush, the militants organized in autumn 2000 on the Staropromyslovsky highway in Grozny, Andrew received a shrapnel wound to the head and lost his right eye. The officer refused to retire in the reserve, managed to adapt and learn to work as a machine gunner, aiming for a healthy eye.
Musienko Alexander, GRU colonel. He fought in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Chechnya (the 2nd campaign). In Afghanistan, for 2 years commanded a group of 1st Company 154th Special Forces Detachment GRU and was zamkomandira company 334 unit, effectively worked during ambushes on convoys with weapons on their way from Pakistan and attacks on the strongholds of the Mujahideen. In Tajikistan Musienko led guerrilla movement "People's Front." In Chechnya and Dagestan, has developed and has been closely involved in operations to eliminate the three commanders among the most notorious. For nearly 20 years of military life participated in more than 150 combat missions.
Sergei Illarionov, a major spetsnaz MVD, Senior Assistant Chief of Staff for Special Operations DOS № 7 "Rosich." "Krapovik", a veteran of two Chechen campaigns. He rose from private to commander of the group. He participated in a large number of secret and special operations. In March 2000, during the siege of Komsomolsk, ambushed by gunmen Gelayev, in full strength squad killed a group of intelligence. Total lost 22 fighters. Illarionov, the then elders group, together with four privates commandos voluntarily and without arms, went to the rebels to negotiate for the extradition of the bodies of their dead, driven by a sacred rule in force in the war - did not cast their special forces.
Pelikh Andrew, captain Spetsnaz MVD zamkomandira group OCH number 8 "Rus". "Krapovik." He participated in a large number of secret and special operations, including rescue operations during the Beslan events. He was awarded the Order of Courage for showing restraint and composure during a raid in the mountainous eastern mountains of Chechnya in 2006, where the group while searching the forest base militants went on the old mine field. After being blown up by anti-personnel mine captain Pelikh lost self-control and self-exerted himself, and first aid before the arrival of the helicopter continued to direct the actions of the group, bringing the comrades of the hazardous area. Captain Pelikh to qualify for an apartment out of turn, as was severely wounded in service and combat mission (DBA), but this was denied to him under false pretenses. For several months the captain lived in a dorm room in the barracks detachment, which was forced to release due to dissolution of the most part. Now Pelikh suing the state for an apartment.
Emyshev Valery, Colonel Spetsnaz KGB. He worked in the KGB from February 1966 to 1988. As part of the first set of "Group A" in July 1974, the operational cover - a mechanic for housing maintenance office. He has participated in many sovsekretnyh and special operations. Talk Kabul operations, stormed the Presidential Palace. The commander of the assault team, during a battle lost his right arm. Andropov was appointed to the decision of the party organizer - the party organization secretary of the group "A".
Kvačkov Vladimir polkovnik General Staff, Commander of 15 brigady specnaz GRU, author of monographs on sekretnoj voenno-strategičeskim questions about theories specialʹnyh surgery, veteran Afganskoj efforts, aktivnejšij učastnik sobytij v Tajikistan and Odin from the, kto privël to their email. Rahmon. At the time graždanskoj vojny v United okazyval sovetničeskuû Pomoŝ bosnijskim serb. Consultant komandovaniâ OGVS v v CECN 1999-2000. Glavnyj podozrevaemyj v ugolovnom shared ob pokušeniâ the focal organizations' avtora privatizacii "A. Čubajsa.
Vladimir Titov, was urgent to the DRA in the company of 345 separate intelligence Parachute Regiment (oPDP) Navy. During the service was involved in a large number of military, intelligence operations behind the Mujahideen forces and was awarded a medal for bravery and presented to the Order of the Red Star.
Vladimir Kovtun, GRU colonel, a veteran of the Afghan campaign, one of the most efficient officers of the GRU ooSPN 186. It was his team in battle seized the first examples of MANPADS "Stinger" the Mujahideen. During the service the DRA received two Orders of Red Star and seven bullet wounds. Twice presented to Gold Star of Hero.
Didkovskiy Jury, Special Forces colonel Interior Ministry, the last commander of the legendary DOS № 8 "Rus". "Krapovik", a veteran of both Chechen campaigns, to whom was Karabakh and Ossetian-Ingush conflict. He has participated in many special and covert operations. During the events in the Kadar zone of Daghestan in August 1999, Didkovskiy personally supervised the operation to rescue the scouts Kalachevskyi Brigade found themselves surrounded by militants on a mountain shepherd. SNS "Rus" was involved in the destruction of the gang Barayev Alkhan-Kala, the destruction of Abu Yakub - financier Amir Khattab, who was hiding in the Old Atagi with other fighters, dozens of other special operations. In 2008 the unit was disbanded. Officially, it was done "in the reform of special operations forces internal forces, with the aim of establishing a center for special purposes (TSSN) MIA" Vityaz ".
"David," Lt. Col. Spetsnaz MVD, the commander of a separate reconnaissance battalion commandos (HFB-242) of the MIA, located on a permanent basis in Ingushetia and regularly participates in special events in the Caucasus. Veteran of both Chechen campaigns, was wounded during the explosion on BTR laid a land mine. He was awarded the Order of Courage.
Vladimir Tarasenko, a veteran of the Group "A" from 1978, a member of the Kabul operation, stormed the building of Kabul Telegraph, after a few months in a group of riot police guarding the KGB Afghan President Babrak Karmal. Participated in various anti-terrorist operations - Budennovsk, Pervomaiskoye. Led a group of frogmen during activities related to the protection of Russian President Boris Yeltsin.
Victor Lutze, Major Spetsnaz KGB. He worked in the "Alpha" from 1982 to 1992. After the passage of military training in Afghanistan, participated in Saratov, Ufa, Sukhumi and hostage rescue operations. In 1991, on orders from the Kremlin in a group of KGB special forces took part in Vilnius events - the storming of the city television station, during which the officer was killed, "Alpha". Retired in 1992 with a group of other veterans because of reluctance to take the oath to President Boris Yeltsin.
Sergey Kozlov, Major stock, a veteran of GRU, one of the most successful commanders of groups 22 spetsnaz brigades in over 2 years who had fought in the 173 oSPn GRU, who was hunting for caravans with arms for the mujahideen in the Afghan-Pakistan border. Major Kozlov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner and Red Star.
Alexander Mikhailov, Colonel Spetsnaz KGB-FSB. He worked in the KGB from 1973, the "Alpha" from 1982 to 2005. In 1983, military training took place in Afghanistan, during which participated in the destruction of the gang warlord Kudduz Calais "bald." During his time in the "Alpha" has participated in almost all known special operations - Sukhumi (for which he was awarded the Order of the Red Banner), Saratov, Ufa ... Worked in the Nagorno-Karabakh, in Vilnius '91, fought in the 1st and 2nd Chechnya, took part in the storming of the hospital in Budennovsk, in August of '96 went along with the Department of the besieged rebels in Grozny, and in 2002 took an active part in anti-terrorist operation in Moscow Nord-Ost.
Repin, Alexander, colonel of the KGB, the KGB work - from 1974 to 1998, operations officer in the second set of Group "A" from 1978, the operational cover - "Institute of Physical Education Instructor" Ray. "Talk Kabul operations, stormed the Presidential Palace, was in the battle several shrapnel wounds. While working in the Group "A" performed various sensitive tasks - "took care" of dissidents and participated in various anti-terrorist operations - Budennovsk, Pervomaiskoye.
Tregubov Vladimir major spetsnaz of the FSB. In the "Vympel" - in 1993. Veteran of two Chechen campaigns, 14 combat missions in the Caucasus. In August 1996, together with the department passed the four-day siege in the dormitory of the FSB in the Leninsky district of Grozny, and in spite of two concussions and shrapnel wounds, managed to get out of the encirclement. He participated in a large number of special and covert operations. He worked on the "Nord-Ost". The extreme operation - Beslan, where during the battle with the terrorists on the ground floor had three serious bullet wounds. He was awarded two Orders of Courage, other awards.
Mylarschikov Gregory, Colonel of the FSB special forces, special forces veteran Interior Ministry. In spetsnaz - since 1988, started his career in the DOS MIA "The Knight", which passed the exam on the right to wear the "Maroon" beret. After completion of all the hot spots 90 and the first Chechnya continued service in the "Alpha". Cavalier of the three orders of Courage. Three injured. He fought on Bald Mountain by Bamut in the 1st campaign, worked on the Nord-Ost and Beslan ... transferred to the reserve after the injury, resulting in Dagestan during the storming of the building there militants barricaded with.
Group portrait of men separate reconnaissance battalion of commandos (HFB-242) of the MIA, located on a permanent basis in Ingushetia and regularly participates in special events in the Caucasus.


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