Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Top 10 Scary Insects

Do not always look like insects and invertebrates as harmless. Some look like, for example, like this. This list is pretty subjective, 

10. giant isopods
What is most unnerving in the isopod - that's what it looks like an ordinary wood lice. Giant isopods live in the ocean at depths ranging from 200m to 2000m. While common woodlouse reaches a length of 1-2 cm, giant isopods grow to 60 cm There are several species of isopod, of which the most famous Bathynomus. Isopods appeared about 160 million years ago and since then little has changed. Because these invertebrates are scavengers, they will not harm humans. Keep them in the same tank is not interesting because of their slow-moving lifestyle.

9. Japanese spider crab

The Japanese spider crab, the longest legs of all arthropods. Greatest American lobsters can compete with these crabs in weight, but not in length. Spider crab is omnivorous and will eat anything that can catch their big claws. There are various arguments about why they have developed such long limbs, most likely, it allows them to move faster. On the Internet it was reported that the crabs have also seen on the ground, but it's almost unbelievable, because it is very difficult to move out of the water.

8. Giant ueta
Giant ueta living in New Zealand, the heaviest insect in the world. The largest weighed 71 grams, and some up to 8 inches (20.32 cm). This is an example of island gigantism. Giant ueta eats plants, but its powerful jaws and can bite severely. But this is unlikely. Giant ueta lives only on the island of Little Barrier. However, other species are distributed throughout New Zealand.

7. locust
Locust - a giant grasshoppers, among them there is virtually no difference, only in swarming and size. This is very annoying creatures! During the flight they make a buzzing sound and when the land to your clothes, you cling to it so that they can not pull out. Hate to be in their swarm. Swarm of locusts usually consists of billions of animals that eat on the way millions of tons of the crop.

6. Arctic tsianeya
The length of the large cyanogen is 37 m from the dome to the tips of the tentacles. The diameter of the dome can be up to 2 m. long tentacles catching small animals, but may also be a shelter for shrimp. Tsianeya not dangerous to humans, but from its bite can be rashes and allergies. The more jellyfish grow, the darker the color of their, the largest specimens have a dark bloody color. Like all jellyfish, cyan drift with the stream, and can only slightly reduce the canopy to stay closer to the surface.

5. Goliath tarantula
This is the hardest known spider, whose weight can reach 180 g. They were considered the largest spider in the world before it was discovered in Laos, a giant hunter. Goliath is a more common and can include, as exotic pet. He is known as a tarantula, as sometimes preys on small birds and small mammals in and lizards. The diet includes a tarantula, in most cases, the insects, but these spiders can bite and man, and their bite is poisonous. In case of danger Goliath produces a hissing sound by rubbing his legs against each other. Thus the spider leaves his hairs, which can be very annoying.

4. A giant sea spider
On sea spiders, little is known. A giant sea spider - the largest representative of the organisms, about 30 cm long. These are not real spiders, though composed with them in a relationship. Their bodies are so small that some of their organs are in the legs and gonads. The intestinal tract is littered with bags that reach the foot, where and digested food. Sea spiders feed on cnidarians, sucking their insides with a sharp proboscis.

3. The Asian giant hornet
Giant hornet - the most dangerous animal in Japan. Any of its bite is very painful and can be fatal, even for people who do not suffer from allergies. Length of approximately 5 cm, these hornets look very frightening, when flying around your face. They kill other insects and destroy the beehives, bees, crushing his jaw, before eating all the honey bee and take away their abdomens larvae. However, the Japanese bees have the protection of hornets. When they intersect the enemy, then surround him and stinging in the muscles responsible for flight. That kills the hornets.

2. Giant centipede
Amazon giant centipede - the first invertebrate, which can cause real harm to humans. She lives in northern South America and several islands. Centipede preys on insects, spiders, lizards, frogs, birds, mice and bats. There is something eerie in the fact that invertebrate prey on vertebrates. The centipede moves quickly and is not afraid of humans. Its bite is very painful but not deadly.

1. colossal squid
What could be more of a giant squid? Only the colossal squid, which is considered the most difficult cephalopods and also the largest invertebrates. For a long time history of the giant squid were considered just sea tales. Now there are a few species such as giant squid and colossal. The national museum in Wellington, New Zealand, an exhibition where you can see 10timetrovy instance. And it is not the biggest. This squid was caught by fishermen in 2007 in the Antarctic Ocean. Colossal squid use bioluminescence to attract fish.


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