Monday, October 10, 2011

The Truth About Bread

1. Over 98% of convicted criminals have used (and eat) bread.

2. Half of children in families who ate the bread, the results show lower than average in tests.

3. In the XVIII century, when the bread was prepared at home, life was 50 years younger, women died in childbirth, and typhoid were rampant fever.
4. Over 90% of violent crimes are committed within 24 hours after eating the bread.
5. Bread made ​​from "dough." 0.5 kg. test is enough to suffocate a mouse.
6. The average Russian eats more than one kilogram of bread dough in a month!
7. Primitive tribes who do not use the bread did not get cancer, Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's do not suffer from osteoporosis.
8. Bread is addictive. During the experiments, persons deprived of bread and left to feed water, began to beg to give them food in two days.
9. Bread - it's just the beginning, with him often use heavier materials - oil, jam, jam and so on.
10. Bread absorbs the water. The human body is 90% water, so that eating bread could lead to the fact that the bread will absorb your body.
11. Babies can choke on bread.
12. Bread is prepared at temperatures up to 240 degrees. This heat kills the adult is less than a minute!
13. Most consumers are not able to distinguish grain scientifically proven fact of statistically meaningless nonsense.


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