Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Young People Who Surprised The World

In this article, we will not put the basic criterion of wealth. No, the purpose of this review - to show young people who have accomplished much of what the adults rarely achieve something. Well, who, for example, we thought of to raise a business on my grandmother's jam? But the 14-year-old can do it, and now he has his own confectionery company.

Fraser Doherty, 14-year-old businessman, making money for jam
Yes, it is the young man. He did not make sites that do not come up with new ways of doing business. Everything is much more traditional - a young man began to make jam from his grandmother's recipes, tartan. At age 16 he dropped out of school for the sake of his business, and not in vain - he now has his own company, a turnover of half a million jars of jam a year. By the way, young man - a millionaire, its capital is estimated at two million dollars.

Jordan Romero, 13-year-old, who conquered Mount Everest
This teen was able to make incredible - in his 13 years he rose to the top of Everest. Of course, he did it himself, with his father and raised by other climbers in the group. But the fact remains - the teenager was able to withstand the vicissitudes of a complex path to the summit, and subdued her. It's no secret that the way to the top dies a lot of people talking about it, many climbers. But in our case, everything worked out, and the father of the boy not only reached the summit, but came down with it.
By the way, Romero is planning to climb to the peak of Vinson in Antarctica.

Cameron Johnson, 15-year-old boy who opened his own online business
t all started with something small. In nine years, Cameron has established on your computer, Photoshop, and began to make postcards, which are then sold through the Internet. After that he started making websites, and succeeded. Now Cameron is the owner of several popular services including Certificateswap.com.
Some time ago he sold one of its resources for the six-figure sum (in U.S. dollars, of course). The exact amount of the transaction were not disclosed, but it is clear that the six characters - there are six characters.
Monthly Income Cameron is from 200 to 400 thousand dollars.

Mohammed Altumaimi 16-year-old who decides to complex mathematical puzzle
Mohammed came to Sweden from Iraq, his parents decided to escape the horrors of war, even "civilized". In Sweden, they arrived in 2003, and after a few months the young man to solve the riddle of the Bernoulli numbers. This puzzle for over 300 years, the best mathematicians of the world were fighting over it. A teenager has decided all common in Iraq.

Thayago Olson: 17-year-old guy who built a nuclear reactor
In general, it is not quite the one nuclear reactor, which we imagine. In the basement of his parents' home about Olson built a small device that can cause a reaction between molecules of deuterium. For this current is supplied to 40 000 volts. The result is something like "a small bunch of energy." To create a device Olson has spent over 1,000 hours, has been dubbed the "mad scientist" among his friends.


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