The 10 Facts About Divorce
By itself, a divorce - quite a strange event, why get married if not for the fact that live together for life? But some stuff divorce genuine absurdity.Due to the crisis in the world, fewer divorces, people have become firmer hold on to each other. But people still find some incredible ways to leave. Ten of the strangest and most bizarre divorce - from past and present of our life and world ...
10. Very emotional couple of Polish immigrants in Hannover (Germany) decided to issue legal marriage. However, during the civil ceremony, the 50-year-old bride, something not like it, and he tried to cut her hair with a kitchen knife to his wife, which is younger than his 16 years. Young's wife was outraged and called the police. Which immediately banned her husband to meet his wife. Subsequently, the pair made two attempts to establish a relationship, but they also resulted in quarrels. It is stupid to genius.
9. The next case is not surprising cause of divorce - about it is not known - and the circumstances. Understood the terrible blow a 44-year Malaysian businessman Roslan Ngaha: both his wife, good friends, both filed for divorce, even without telling her husband. Thus, in just three minutes Ngah had lost two wives at once - a record.
8. Jerusalem religious court four times over 19 years of divorce to the same pair - and five times recorded it. The fact that the husband and wife are not only an explosive temper, and passionate religiosity, so fix the rabbi all his conflicts and reconciliation. Rabbinate even appointed inquiry - do not pursue a windy couple any selfish purpose. But it turned out that on the contrary, they suffer significant losses on divorces and new marriages.
7. A typical absurdly first divorce was director Leonid Nechaev. When he moved in with Antonia in a communal, mother-in-law asked him as a "ennoble" the huge ficus and aloe, which occupied half of the room. Leonid and "ennobled" - obstrig them to a room befitting the size of the plants. Seeing this, mother-in-law fainted, had to call the "fast". And waking up, said Antonia: "Either he or I will." Leonid turned and walked away. True, the divorce itself was held soon - in those years should be published in the press a tiny zametochku divorce, and Leonid two years saving up her money.
6. In the Syrian city of Latakia, the bride and groom at a wedding just found out that not get along. During a Syrian wedding, the bride should choose her future husband comic song. The girl had prepared the song "I love you, my donkey" - it is sung that the wife herself could call a favorite as you like, for example a donkey, but no one else will call him. Under this merry song of the bride invited to perform the dance the newlyweds, and refused to change the music. Then the groom snatched the microphone and the DJ said three times in the phrase "I'm with you breed." The story short marriage and an end.
5. There are situations where divorce is not impossible. 67-year-old Romanian pensioner Sandu B. married a 47-year-old woman and lived happily with her for eight months. And at the ninth month of his wife's cat ate burmanskaya one after the other two parrots loved her husband. That, as written in the lawsuit Sandu, and found "a complete incompatibility of the spouses." Parrot - a friend of man, but his wife - is not a fact.
4. Do not eat the holy! English soccer fan Neil Dyuhart explained to the court his desire to divorce because his wife washed his favorite T-shirt with a collection of autographs. The court immediately recognized his wife guilty of vandalism and the suit of the Nile. The decision, unfortunately, does not say whether Dyuhart wore this rarity, or just kept it. When my husband walks in indelible years T-shirt, you must either delete or divorce, but better then both.
3. A true sadist, Mr. Danielson has shown himself in Cleveland, USA. His wife, Bebe loved detectives. And mean-spirited man in each new book in the 30th page he wrote in the margin the name of the killer. Further reading, of course, it was interesting. Having heard about this tradition, the judge sided with the woman and gave her a divorce, "particularly because of exquisitely ill husband."
2. 55-year-old German farmer, Wolfgang Zober from Naumburg City met on the Internet with 38-year-old woman, whose name was Randy Victoria. She was very sweet in the photos and even lovelier in real acquaintance. It was only during the wedding night, it turned out that Randy - not quite a woman. More precisely, it is not a woman. Ralph (the so-called "lady" in fact) was the owner of the penis and the father of two children. To count on the bride, is not very clear, because the farmer is cheated immediately demanded a divorce, and which has received. A local rights advocates and transsexuals gay Wolfgang accused of prejudice and homophobia.
1. Hardly American fathers Internet guessed how powerful blow to the institution of the family becomes the World Wide Web. Traditional Bosnian husband and wife, 32-year-old Adnan Clarissa and 27-year-old Sana, started his online novel. Here are just a bit unlucky to them: under nicknames Sweetie and Prince of the joy they found each other. Once passionate online conversations with the Prince decided to meet sweetie. Alas, the cruel disappointment awaited them. As a result, both filed for divorce, accusing each other of trying to treason. Curiously, exactly the same situation, only with happy ending has occurred in China - where his wife saw each other at a secret interview, realize that for each other and must stay together.